Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 26, 2007

"And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy, (Joel 2)

Monday nights at the Asbury House of Prayer are quite extraordinary. Around 8pm people begin streaming into the room. Mostly they are college students but more and more we see seminary students as well. People also gather from the community and from various ministries in the area. Some nights, there is someone playing on a keyboard or a guitar and singing in a prophetically worshipful way. Tonight there was almost complete silence. No musicians. People were scattered throughout the room, kneeling, laying prostrate on the floor, sitting quietly. . . . . pouring over open bibles. . . . . . writing in small notebooks.

Intermittently, a voice would speak forth a scripture or a prayer, but mostly silence this night. it felt quakerish almost. then the voice of a young man began to stream a vision and words that he indicated were coming from the Spirit of the Lord. It was profound. It felt a lot like something you would read in the Acts of the Apostles. He was recounting a vision that felt a lot like Nehemiah. It had so much confirmation in it for what we sense the Lord doing in this prayer movement. He would speak a few lines-- as though he were reading it off of a scroll none of us could see. Then he would go quiet for a minute. A few minutes later he would have more, but it wasn't as though he was storing it up. It was as though the scroll was unfolding bit by bit and he was reading it as he saw it, unfiltered. My spirit literally lept with encouragement.

At one point he said he indicated the Lord was leading him to make a confession that he didn't understand but that he would be obedient to. He said something to the effect that on this campus the sin of Balaam's error had been committed and that it needed to be confessed and he proceeded to do so. That's something to ponder. Later he said that there had been walls built up that the Lord never intended to be built up and that he would tear down and that he would build up new walls in the places where he intended. Then he moved on to saying something like, "This is the Lord's encampment and he is going to visit it and make it more of his encampment."

It comported with what many of us have been hearing and gives us deep encouragement and joy in the Holy Spirit.

come Lord Jesus.

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